Friday, September 2, 2011

Facelift Risks And Dangers - Surgery Side Effects

A facelift or rhytidoplasty, includes several different types of procedures that are intended to make the person receiving the operation appear more youthful.

Included are: The standard face lift, neck lift, along with the more targeted procedures listed below.

  • SOOF (sub-orbicularis oculi fat), which relocates fat under the eyes.
  • The S lift, which includes pulling the ears up and back.
  • Temporal lift, which raises the eyebrows.
  • Mid-face lift, also known as an eye lift.
  • Deep plane lift - removes grooves in the area from the nose to the mouth.
Dangers and Risks Associated with Facelift Surgery

Each of the procedures can be done separately or a combination may be used to achieve the results desired. There are numerous risks and dangers associated with this type of surgery, which includes complications from certain medications that are being taken regularly. The plastic surgeon should provide a list of the medications that are not to be taken for two weeks prior to the surgery. Medications such as anti-depressants, aspirin and serotonin supplements can result in excessive bleeding.

Facelift Recovery Time

The recovery time for a facelift will vary from a month to three or even four months. During this time, missing work for as much as three weeks is not uncommon, as the face can remain swollen for an extended period of time.

Discomfort is another side-effect of a facelift and during the first three days after the surgery, turning the head may cause pain and it can also interfere with proper healing.

Risk of Hematoma

Other risks associated with a facelift are hematoma. This is one of the most common experienced and is a hemorrhage that causes the blood to collect outside the blood vessels. It is more common in men than women.

Potential Nerve Damage

Nerve injury as well as numbness can be experienced by those who have a facelift. A numb feeling around the corners of the mouth or the eyebrows. This may go away within a few weeks or it can be permanent.

Blood Clot Danger

Blood clots can develop in the lungs or in veins. This is different from a hematoma and although some bleeding is considered normal, excessive bleeding is one of the more serious dangers that requires immediate medical attention.

Risk of Infection

Other risks include infection, which can develop on the face. The majority of infections can be treated with antibiotics. However, prompt treatment should be sought if the face swells, feels sensitive and is red.

Additional Cautions

Since smoking inhibits the healing process, nicotine products should not be used for at least six weeks before a facelift. This will also lessen the risks of complications from the surgery. Some plastic surgeons will not perform a facelift on a person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, because the delayed healing can cause necrosis, also known as skin death.

Vitamin E should not be taken for several weeks before having a facelift. This vitamin can increase the risk of bleeding.

The candidate for this surgery should also make certain their blood pressure is normal and controlled since this is another risk factor for bleeding.

Making an Informed Decision

Although the facelift is quite popular among men and women in the entertainment, art and performance fields, there are very serious dangers associated with this type of plastic surgery.

Making yourself fully aware of the potential dangers is an absolute necessity before proceeding with the operation. And after weighing the risks you decide to still opt for the procedure, the plastic surgeon chosen should be researched carefully.