Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'll fix it: John Terry locked in crisis talks with wife after flying to Dubai to save his marriage

About to meet the family: John Terry arriving at his hotel in Dubai last night

John Terry was today locked in crisis talks with his wife in a bid to save his marriage after flying into Dubai and vowing: 'I'll fix it.'

Following a seven-hour flight, the shamed England footballer arrived at his hotel last night prepared for a heart-to-heart discussion with Toni.

He has not seen his devastated childhood sweetheart for two weeks since it was revealed he was cheating on her with French lingerie model Veronica Perroncel, 33.

But, leaving Heathrow Airport for his Valentine's showdown, Terry, 29, told the Daily Mirror: 'It's been a tough few weeks but I hope things will get better. I hope I can fix things in Dubai.'

The £170,000 Chelsea star, who was sacked as England captain last week, looked tired, grim-faced as he touched down in the Gulf city state.

And his club side's defeat at Everton on Wednesday night - a potentially crucial slip-up in the Premiership title race - would only have added to his anxiety.

On board Emirates flight EK8, Terry, who wore a white hoodie emblazoned with Great Escape star Steve McQueen, reportedly drank a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc white wine.

Having reserved two £2,500 first-class seats to himself, he is understood to have sat under a duvet during the journey and flicked through the plane's movie channels.

Toni looked chic yesterday in a black bikini with gold trim as she awaited Terry's arrival in Dubai

One of his film choices was said to include the Ricky Gervais comedy The Invention of Lying.

Before boarding he was apparently seen eating three chocolate croissants and yoghurt in the flight lounge.

As well seeing Toni, 29, again, he also faces a showdown with her parents Sue and Alan Poole.

Asked how he felt before departing, he said nervously: 'I’m all right I guess. I’m OK.'
The sight of his three-year-old twins Summer Rose and Georgie John should have cheered him up, however.

They were heard screaming 'Daddy! Daddy!' as he closed the door of his family suite at the five-star Le Royal Meridien Hotel.

Terry has been given time off by Chelsea boss Carlo Ancelotti has been allowed to miss this weekend FA Cup clash with Cardiff.

He plans to treat his wife to a romantic Valentine’s Day meal on Sunday before returning that night or on Monday morning.

She said earlier this week: ‘I am so glad he has been given the time off and really pleased he could make it.

'We’ll enjoy our time together and make the most of it.’

But she has insisted if she is to give their marriage another go, he must abide by a strict new set of rules.

The WAG has apparently told him 'It's my way or it's over,' and demanded he curtails his boisterous lifestyle.

In a series of tearful phone calls to the disgraced footballer, Toni is believed to have said: 'Things have to change. There will be no more chances. Please, I really want this to work. I know you do too.'

VIP service: John Terry is chauffeur-driven across the tarmac to catch his plane

However, Terry's attempt to mend things with his wife may be hindered by the presence of his in-laws, who have been lending support to their daughter out in Dubai and helping to look after their twin grandchildren.

Sue and Alan Poole are said to be 'not at all happy' with the way Terry has treated their daughter.

Meanwhile Terry found an unlikely ally today in the form of controversial FIFA president Sepp Blatter, who said the former England captain would have been applauded in some countries for having an affair rather than sacked.

Blatter, in Vancouver for the International Olympic Committee's session, joked that in 'Latin' countries such as France, Italy and Spain, Terry's conduct may
not have been considered a problem.

Losing his cool: Chelsea's captain endured a difficult game as his mistake led directly to Everton's winner at Goodison Park on Wednesday evening

'Listen, this is a special approach in the Anglo-Saxon countries,' he said.
'If this had happened in let's say Latin countries then I think he would have been applauded.'

It was Blatter who famously suggested in 2004 that women footballers should wear tighter shorts and skimpier kit to increase the popularity of the game.

'Let the women play in more feminine clothes like they do in volleyball,' he said.

'They could, for example, have tighter shorts. Female players are pretty, if you excuse me for saying so, and they already have some different rules to men - such as playing with a lighter ball. That decision was taken to create a more female aesthetic, so why not do it in fashion?'

source: dailymail