Thursday, February 18, 2010

The prince and the pauper: How former homeless photographer made Wills' black hair apparent

By Rebecca English

The black prince: William and photographer Jeff Hubbard

It's been the talking point of the week: Has Prince William really dyed his hair black or has the future king been given a digitally altered new thatch? auctioned for charity.

With the issue being discussed as far afield as India, Australia and the U.S., St James's Palace yesterday took the extraordinary step of issuing a statement.

Apparently it's all down to legendary photographer Rankin (he is so famous that he doesn't have to use his first name) and some over-enthusiastic studio lighting and technical jiggery-pokery.

The Glaswegian artist, who has previously captured subjects as diverse as the Queen and Britney Spears, oversaw last month's session in his London studio in which William was photographed by Jeff Hubbard, a former homeless man now getting his life back on track.

It was the appearance of the pictures in Hello! magazine this week, after being sold to raise money for charity, that led to the comments about the prince's thinning, dark blond locks being replaced by a good covering of almost black hair.

William's spokesman said that as the portraits were 'artwork' and not a straight-forward snap, a specific form of lighting was used to create a clear, crisp image - which immediately darkened the royal hair.

The portraits were then developed to give William a 'natural' skin tone, but this further darkened all the non-white tones - including William's mop.

A natural looking Prince William is photographed by Jeff Hubbard during the shoot

The explanation did not fully explain how it also made his thinning hairline look so much more full. The spokesman said: 'Studio lighting and work on colour contrasts in the prints have all contributed to the particular look.

'The prince is pleased with the results, particularly since they have been commissioned in order to help homeless men and women, which is an issue close to his heart.'

Money from the sale of the pictures and an exhibition will go to the charity Crisis, which helps rough sleepers get back on their feet.

It was Crisis which helped 53-year-old Mr Hubbard turn his life around after his marriage and successful travel business collapsed in the recession of the early Nineties.

He fell into depression and began smoking cannabis heavily and drinking 'copious amounts of red wine'.

'Then I ran out of money and stopped paying my rent and lost my home,' he said.

Former homeless man Mr Hubbard then adjusts the image on the computer

It was while he was living rough that he was put in touch with Crisis. 'I am not just saying this, but Crisis saved my life,' he said.

'I was homeless for nine months in all but they helped me get back on my feet and developed my interest in photography.'

Mr Hubbard, who now rents a one-bedroom flat in Hackney, East London, is the first non-professional ever commissioned to shoot an official portrait of a member of the Royal Family.

To commemorate the photo session, he was pictured smiling and leaning on William's shoulders.

Each man also took a photo of the other which has been turned into a diptych, two portraits exhibited side by side.

This will be on show from March 10 at Somerset House in London as part of an exhibition entitled A Positive View, of which William is patron, before being

source: dailymail