Thursday, November 17, 2011

Snooki Wants Breast Implants: Fears Plastic Surgery Risks

While promoting her latest book entitled Confessions of a Guidette, Nicole 'Snooki' Polizzi stopped by the Wendy Williams Show to chat it up with everyone's favorite soul sister.

During the interview the topic of plastic surgery came up, as Ms. Williams alluded to fellow Jersey Shore castmate Jenni 'Jwoww' Farley not being shy about her breast augmentation surgery. Which prompted the question, "would you ever consider having plastic surgery" Snooki?

The pint-size shot-machine responded with this...
I really want to get my boobs done but I’m scared. Because you know, like, when you hear those stories that you are under anesthesia and that you feel everything but you can’t say anything? I’m scared that is going to happen to me.
We're proud of Snooki for recognizing the potential risks associated with going under the knife, while bringing awareness to the troubling plastic surgery horror stories that are all too real. Perhaps this simple statement will discourage some of her loyal fans from taking the cosmetic plunge.

After Williams countered with a cup-size compliment about her natural bust, Ms. Polizzi went on to say...
Well my boobs are great, but um, when you lay down, you know if you have natural boobs, they go to the side and it’s annoying. And I always want them to just stay there.
Snooki may be a bad role model with her promotion of a wild booze-ridden partying lifestyle, but if she is willing to spread the anti-plastic surgery message to her hoards of meatball followers, she suddenly becomes a little more tolerable in our eyes.

Checkout this little snippet from the interview on the Wendy Williams Show.

Speaking of Wendy Williams... she is certainly no stranger to plastic surgery, breast implants to be exact. See our article concerning Wendy Williams's breast implants.