Saturday, September 25, 2010

Is this the end of the road for X Factor favourite Mary Byrne? The 'new SuBo' struggles with complex dance routine at boot camp


Struggling: Mary Byrne couldn't keep up with the complex dance routine in the boot camp stage of X Factor

She was named the 'new SuBo' when she first auditioned and quickly became one of the favourites to win The X Factor.

But 50-year-old Tesco checkout worker Mary Byrne might have fallen at the first hurdle after struggling with a complex dance routine on the first boot camp episode of the show.

As she started to learn the dance routine, choreographed by creative director Brian Friedman, Mary started to lose confidence in her ability to perform the routine.

In pain: Mary complained that the arthritis in her knees was causing her immense pain

And it wasn't only her lack of confidence that caused her to doubt herself before she went on stage, as her arthritis in her knees was also giving her some trouble.

Mary said at the beginning of learning the routine: 'I had forgotten how amazing it is to do exercise - how electrifying it makes you feel inside.'

But then the repetitive dance moves started to get a bit too much for Mary, who suffers from arthitis in her knees.

Giving it her best shot: Despite being in pain, Mary took to the stage for the routine

Oops! But she promptly forgot the steps and made up her own moves instead

She said: 'My knees are starting to swell, my legs are seizing on me and the weight doesn't help. I'm not looking for excuses and I feel like I'm letting myself down.

'I want to try and dance for the judges. I refuse to be beaten by arthitis - I really am going to give it a try.'

And while she struggled to remember the dance steps as soon as she got on the stage, Mary just gave it her all with her own unique moves.

Controversial: Chloe Victoria forgot her words as she performed Wishing On A Star

Did she do enough? Chloe divided the judges with her performance

Afterwards, Brian said: 'Mary didn't give up and I love that. You need that drive and ambition.'

At the beginning of tonight's first boot camp episode, the 211 remaining acts made their way to Wembley Arena where they were put into their categories and allocated a song to sing.

While the girls were given Beyonce's If I Were A Boy, the boys regaled the judges with Michael Jackson's Man In The Mirror and the groups tried their luck at Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now.

Unique take: Cher Lloyd sang Coldplay's Viva La Vida in her own unique way

Rapper: She also included a rap which she had written herself

But it was the over-25s who were given the most unusual song when they were told they would all have to sing Lady Gaga's Poker Face. And while favourite Mary Byrne managed to bring her own take to the now infamous track, other more elderly people struggled to conquer some of the more complex melodies.

Simon Cowell and Louis Walsh, who began boot camp as a pair before the arrival of Pussycat Dolls singer Nicole Scherzinger, were more serious than ever, with Simon reminding the acts before they took to the stage: 'By the end of the day half of you are going home.

'Today you're going to be put into your categories and you're going to sing one song. There are literally no second chances today.'

Second time lucky: Liam Payne, who got through to judges' houses two years ago, is hoping to make it further this time

Nervous: Despite forgetting his words before he went on stage, Liam managed to get through his rendition of Oasis's Stop Crying Your Heart Out

On his way to Wembley, Louis said: 'Bootcamp is tough - that's what it's all about. To survive in showbusiness you've got to be tough. You've got to go out there and deliver.'

And while many of the contestants sailed through the first stage of boot camp, others struggled with the pressure.

Cher Lloyd, 16, looked nervous and apprehensive before she performed her song, telling host Dermot O'Leary: 'I'm nervous about singing the same song as everyone else. The competition is heating up.'

Fun and sparkle: House husband Stephen Hunter went down well

Casual style: Marlon Mackenzie performed a Corinne Bailey Rae track

And Madonna wannabe Katie Waissel added: 'It's quite daunting when you've got these girls who are Beyoncing it out.'

But the pressure to stand out in the crowd was just too much for Tobias Sumpton, who forgot the words to the song and was cut from the competition in the first cull of contestants.

After coming off stage and sobbing, Tobias told Dermot: 'I had been practising all day but I just couldn't do it.'

What a surprise: The judges were stunned by Matt Cardle's performance of The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

No belief: But Simon said the painter decorator has no self confidence

And when he found out he wouldn't be progressing to the next round, he admitted: 'I'm gutted, I'm absolutely gutted.

However, nerves didn't get the better of Cher, Katie or favourite Gamu, who all impressed Simon and Louis with their performances and were put straight through.

Someone else who was chosen to progress to the next stage was X Factor escort Chloe Victoria, aka 'Chloe Mafia', who arrived at boot camp hungover and stinking of vodka.

All or nothing: Yuli Minguel gave an energetic performance on stage

Dancing along: And the judges, including Nicole Scherzinger, loved the song

And before she sang, Chloe told the judges: 'I'm so nervous - I need a wee!'
But that wasn't enough to put her off her stride, and her unique take of If I Were A Boy helped her get through to Day 2.

The second day of boot camp saw contestants greeted by Simon and Louis who told them that, in an X Factor first, they would be taught to dance by Freidman.

Wearing a low-cut khaki hoodie top, Brian told contestants: 'I don't want you to be scared. What we are going to work on is your stage presence and choreography.'

Simon added to the camera: 'This is something we have never done before, and I've no idea if it's the right thing to do or not.'

And while some of the hopefuls, including Girl group Husstle, were thrilled to be given the opportunity to show off their dancing talents, various other contestants found it more difficult than they first thought.

House husband Stephen Hunter, who was one of the first contestants to be put through at his audition, laughed: 'I have never danced in my life but it's amazing, I love it!! And I know I'm going to lose two and a half stone in a week!'

Through: Favourite Gamu will perform her solo track tomorrow night

Nice hat! Katie Waissel got through to Day 2, but can she go all the way?

Mary wasn't the only one who found the dance task daunting, as teenage student Zain Malik first refused to go on because he was too scared about performing the routine in front of the judges.

But then Simon decided to go backstage and speak to Zain to give him a boost and encourage him to take to the stage.

Simon said: 'Why aren't you out there? You can't just bottle it. Zain, you are ruining this for yourself. I'm trying to help you here. Don't do that again.'

Zain said: 'Simon came backstage and spoke to me and I thought I might as well give it a go.'

So, with some strong words from Simon, Zain decided to perform, and while his routine was deemed 'uncomfortable', it didn't go too badly.

On day three of boot camp, each contestant was told to choose a track from a list of 40 songs to perform solo in front of the judges, who were joined by Nicole Scherzinger on the final day of the boot camp stage.

Harmonising: Boyband F.Y.D impressed the judges with their harmonising

Splitting the judges: Storm Lee performed James Bond track Live And Let Die

Nicole told the contestants: 'This is where we separate the boys from the men and the pussycat from the dolls. Have fun and kick some butt!'

Teenager Cher was the first act to perform for the judges, singing her own take of Coldplay's Viva La Vida which included a rap which she wrote herself.

She said: 'I've put a lot of thought into this song but I decided to put my own take on it and write a little rap and I wrote my own lyrics to the rap.

'I'm a bit frightened that they don't understand what I'm about. I've just got to do my best.'

As she came off stage, Cher told Dermot, 'I didn't know I wanted it this much!' while Nicole told Simon and Louis: 'I like that she's original and unique and made it her own.'

Chloe Victoria decided to sing Wishing On A Star, but admitted she wasn't as prepared for the performance as she would have liked to be.

She told the judges ahead of the performance: 'I just want to show everyone that I can be what I want to be and I can make a better life for my daughter.'

But her lack of preparation started to show as soon as she started singing, and Chloe quickly forgot the words, before grinding to a halt.

Showing some moves: Girl group Husstle were delighted with the dance task

Impressed: Simon and Louis were impressed with Husstle's routine

Coming off stage, Chloe said: 'I could slap myself silly, I'm really really angry with myself.'

However, Simon said he was still unsure what to make of Chloe, admitting that he felt sorry for her following the performance.

Tom Richards was another contestant who divided the judges.

After his first audition, when Simon accused him of looking like he should be in a boyband, Tom tried to reinvent himself and performed James Bond track Live And Let Die for the panel.

But his performance didn't go down too well, with Nicole saying: 'I think he looks like he should be in a boyband!'

Liam Payne was one of the next contestants on stage, and decided to perform Oasis's Stop Crying Your Heart Out.

No confidence: Student Zain Malik refused to go on stage to dance

Stern: But he soon changed his mind when faced with Simon telling him off

After getting through to the judges' houses stage of X Factor two years ago, Liam was determined to get through to the next stage, saying: 'I want to show Simon that I mean business and that I have what it takes. This is the moment I've been waiting for.'

But while Louis and Nicole were impressed by his emotional performance, Simon wasn't so sure, adding: 'I like him but I think it was a little bit one-dimensional.'

Painter and decorator Matt Cardle was the last person to perform in tonight's programme, singing The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face.

And while he acknowledged that choosing the track, originally sung by a woman, was a risk, he explained: 'I've taken a bit of a risk with the song I've chosen, it's a girls song and I think I'm the only guy in boot camp to sing this song.

'I think it's right to take a risk at this stage.'

x factorx factor

x factor

Following his performance, Louis remarked: 'He's the biggest surprise for me so far.'
Simon added: 'Do you know why we hadn't noticed him before? He's got no confidence or self belief at all.'

The judges will decide who will be going through to the judges' houses stage of the competition tomorrow night when the remaining contestants will perform their tracks.
The X Factor is on ITV1 on Sunday night at 7.45pm.

source: dailymail