Thursday, September 23, 2010

Paris Hilton arrives back in the U.S. after being denied entry to Japan following cocaine conviction


She's back: Paris Hilton arrives in a private jet in Van Nuys, California after a trip to the Far East that she would rather forget

Socialite arrives back to the U.S. after being detained and quizzed for six hours at airport

Tweets she is 'disappointed' to be letting her Asian fans down as she leaves

Paris Hilton arrived back to America today after being refused entry to Japan following her recent arrest for cocaine possession.

The 29-year-old heiress was pictured disembarking a private jet at Van Nuys, California on Wednesday night.

It comes after she had been detained and questioned for six hours after landing at Narita International Airport in Tokyo earlier in the week.

After further questioning by immigration officials, it was decided the socialite should return to the States.

Heading home: Paris Hilton looks dejectedly back from a bus window as she's ferried to her plane after being turned away from Japan

Returning home in shame: Paris Hilton takes off from Narita Tokyo Airport en route back to the States after her embarrassingly short stay

Paris tweeted yesterday morning: 'About to take off. Going home now. So disappointed to miss my fans in Asia. I promise to come back soon. I love you all! Love Paris xoxo'

Paris and her sister Nicky had flown into Tokyo via private jet to debut their fall/winter fashion collections.

The socialite was detained at immigration and questioned over her recent, well publicised, arrest and conviction of cocaine possession and obstructing justice.

Disappointed: Paris Hilton left Narita International Airport in Tokyo this morning after being refused entry to Japan following her arrest for cocaine possession

Not happy: The heiress looked glum as she made her way through the airport

After six hours talking with immigration officials in the airport Hilton was told she would have to remain at an airport hotel until the issue was resolved.

The interview with the heiress continued today with immigration official Masaaki Nakayama confirming: 'In general, those who have committed drug-related crimes are not allowed entry into Japan.'

Under Japanese law, immigration authorities can deny entry to those who have been convicted of drug-related offences.

As she arrived in Tokyo, an apparently cheery Hilton tweeted a picture of herself with sister Nicky, with the caption: 'Just landed in Tokyo with my BFF/Sis @NickyHilton.'

Hilton was arrested for cocaine possession in Las Vegas last month when she was pulled over by police who suspected her boyfriend Cy Waits was driving under the influence.

Waits was arrested for DUI.
Hilton was found to have just under a gram of cocaine in her purse which she then tried to claim did not belong to her.

She was officially charged yesterday and given one year's suspended jail sentence, a $2,000 fine and 200 hours of community service as part of a plea deal, just hours before she boarded the plane to Japan.

Posing up: But Paris later managed a smile for the waiting photographers

Media swarm: Photographers and journalists are seen in the lobby of the hotel where Paris spent the night

A representative for the heiress issued a statement today confirming the reasons Paris had to leave Japan, as well as adding she is planning to make a return in the future.

The statement read: 'Paris is very disappointed and fought hard to keep her business commitments and see her fans, but she is forced to postpone her commitments in Asia.

Happy landing: Paris and Nicky landed at Narita Airport in Tokyo, Japan seen here before Paris was detained by authorities

'Me and my BFF': Paris tweeted this picture of herself and her sister after they arrived in Tokyo

'Paris understands and respects the rules and laws of the immigration authorities in Japan and fully wishes to cooperate with them.

'Paris looks forward to returning in the future to a country she loves and has been coming to for the past 10 years.'

In trouble: Paris in court with her lawyer David Chesnoff pled guilty to cocaine possession

source: dailymail