Friday, March 16, 2012

Ashley Judd Before And After: Plastic Surgery or Medication?

While promoting her upcoming television series entitled Missing, actress Ashley Judd has been receiving a tremendous amount unwanted attention, completely unrelated to her new project. Instead, the topic of conversation has shifted to Ashley's appearance.

Pillow face, puffy, and swollen are a just few of the words being tossed around, after the actress made a guest spot on the Canadian television program 'The Marilyn Denis Show' while donning a fuller looking face.

Ashley Judd Before And After Facial Fillers?

Significant signs of weight gain was not apparent, with the exception of her face, that looked to be exceedingly puffy. In the world of cosmetic surgery, a puffy, fuller face is often an indication of facial fillers (Restylane, Juvederm, ArteColl) which are all the rage in show business nowadays.

However, as the rumor picked up steam on the social networking scene, and the story was published by several high profile websites, a spokesperson for Ashley Judd issued a statement via E! News.
Ashley has been battling an ongoing, serious sinus infection and flu. Therefore, Ashley has been on a heavy dose of medication to overcome it so she could get on a plane and travel to Toronto and New York to fulfill her commitment of completing four consecutive days of press to promote her new show Missing.

There is zero sign of plastic surgery, puffiness, fillers, etc. That has become a silly and erroneous topic of conversation. Ashley is a natural beauty enjoying her 40's gracefully.
This may sound a little fishy, considering the average person doesn't have this type of reaction to flu medication. With that being said, we don't know exactly what Ms. Judd was taking to combat her illness, and with so many different kinds of medication being prescribed these days, the side effects are most certainly broad.

Final explanation: We have a statement from the Judd camp detailing their side of the story, and then we have a before and after photo showcasing two drastically different looks from Ashley. Its a bit a mystery at this point, but we will definitely be keeping a close eye on the situation. Until then, voice your opinion in the comment box below!