Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Couple who were told they were 'too fat' to sit together on plane win Slimming World prize after losing 15st

By Daily Mail Reporter

Humiliating: When Alan and Jan Coupe, pictured before they lost 15st, were told they were too heavy to sit together on a flight home from Guernsey, they signed up to Slimming World

A couple who were told they were too heavy to sit together on an aeroplane have celebrated winning the Slimming World Couple of the Year award.

Alan and Jan Coupe - who won the honour after shedding more than 15 stone between them - said losing the weight has saved their life.

The couple, who run a bed and breakfast hotel, were spurred into taking action when they were told they were too heavy to sit together on an aeroplane - an experience they described as 'embarrassing and humiliating'.

After returning from the holiday to Guernsey, during which an air stewardess asked them to sit in separate parts of the plane to 'spread' the weight, Mrs Coupe decided to sign them up to a Slimming World group.

From struggling to walk because of their weight and health problems, Mr and Mrs Coupe, from Fareham, Hampshire, said they feel they have been given a new lease of life thanks to a regime of healthy eating and exercise.

Mr Coupe, 55, who shed 8st 0.5lb to take him to 12st 9.5lb, said: 'Since I lost weight my doctor has discovered I have a heart defect. It seems I may have had it for years but it was hidden by my size.

'It's a frightening thought but my doctor says if I had carried on as I was then I might not be here now. I'm so glad we joined Slimming World when we did in September 2006 because it literally saved my life.'

His heart is now being monitored by doctors, who are, he said, pleased the strain on his body has been reduced by the loss of weight.

Winning prize: The pair won £3,000 and a makeover after altering their lifestyle and switching to healthier food

Mr Coupe also has asthma and arthritis while his wife, 51, has multiple sclerosis.
But Mrs Coupe, who lost 7st 10lb and now weighs 10st 7lb, said slimming down has brought improvements.

'Losing weight has saved our lives and given us our lives back at the same time," she said.

'When we were overweight we struggled to walk anywhere at all but now we're really fit. We go cycling twice a week for 15 miles at a time and we love walking and swimming.

'We're so much more sociable and active, it's like we have a new lease of life. The health benefits have been colossal. You don't realise what you are missing out on until someone gives you back your life.'

Mr Coupe said he was 'horrified' at the thought of joining a slimming group at first but added: 'Jan and I have always done things together and she was worried that if I didn't do something about my weight I may not be around for long, so I agreed to go with her.

'Together we lost 18lb in our first week and everyone was friendly. Now we look forward to going to the group."

Unhealthy: The couple, who were unable to wear their wedding rings because their fingers were too large, used to order takeaways several times a week

Mr and Mrs Coupe, who have been married 29 years, said they used to order takeaways several times a week and graze on unhealthy snacks while stretched for time running the B&B.

The new-look couple now cook healthy meals, even offering guests the choice of a traditional fry-up for breakfast or the healthier, grilled option they eat.

Their lifestyle change has also rubbed off on their children, Chloe, 25, and Chris, 20, who have lost six stone between them.

Mr and Mrs Coupe said they had said sorry to their children for not dealing with their weight sooner.

'We have apologised to our children because we feel we didn't do certain things with them as children because of our weight,' Mrs Coupe said.

'It inhibited us. The couple said they have had to buy new wardrobes several times as the stones dropped off, with Mr Coupe even going down a shoe size as a result.

He said life was 'physically difficult' before, with simple tasks like walking up the stairs and doing up shoelaces proving a challenge.

The Coupes said that, for around two decades, they were unable to wear their wedding rings because their fingers were too large.

When they renewed their vows for their 25th anniversary they took the rings to a jeweller to make them big enough to wear for the ceremony.

After losing weight, they took them back to the jeweller to reduce the size of the rings by several sizes and they are now able to wear them.

Mrs Coupe said the pair were still getting used to not being overweight.

'But it's amazing,' she added. "We're so much healthier and happier and losing weight has brought us even closer together as a couple.

'I don't think Alan would be here if he hadn't done something about his weight.'

According to Mr Coupe, the next step may be to shave off his beard.

'People don't recognise Jan, but with me the beard gives it away,' he said.

'As an overweight person I've hidden behind this beard my whole life, but now I've lost the weight there's no reason to hide anymore.'

The couple won £3,000, a night in a suite at the Ritz Hotel in London and a makeover as their prize.

source: dailymail