Wednesday, March 31, 2010

'I lost 5lbs eating curry three times a day': WAG Abbey Clancy on her unexpected weight loss on Indian camel trek

By Lizzie Smith

Easy rider: After overcoming her initial fears, Abbey Clancy enjoyed her nine-day camel trek across the Indian desert for a new TV show

With her slim figure, Abbey Clancy certainly doesn't need to lose any weight.

But the 24-year-old lost 5lbs on a curry diet as she filmed a new TV show in India.

It happened when the girlfriend of England footballer Peter Crouch embarked on a nine-day trip across the Great Thar Desert with a family of gypsy dancers.

'All we ate was curry,' she said. ' We would have curry for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

'After a few days we were craving it and couldn't wait for our brekkie. I lost 5lbs. I was 8st 7lb before I left.'

'I was also eating so much bread, but I didn't have any sweets or chocolate. At home I have to have a dessert every night - cheesecake or chocolate pudding.'

Bonding: Abbey Clancy and her lookalike mother Karen in Jaipur during filming of The Parent Trip

On the trip Abbey swapped her luxury WAG lifestyle of limousines and designer clothes for a life of sleeping on the ground, riding on camels and eating food cooked on a dung fire.

Her England footballer fiancé Peter Crouch remained at home, while Abbey and her lookalike mother Karen filmed for ITV's new show The Parent Trip.

New bonds: Abbey in dancing costume with the Kelbelia Gypsy family who she travelled and performed with

But Abbey says she coped well.

'I wasn't as bad as I thought I'd be because I just loved every second of it,' she told New! magazine. 'I didn't want to come home.

'I've been wrapped up in a bubble my whole life. I usually never feel safe unless Pete's with me.'

While in India Abbey and her mother lived alongside an Indian gypsy family who needed to give a performance.

Two of a kind: The family resemblance is obvious between Abbey and Karen

Intrepid explorer: Abbey rode a camel for the nine-day desert trek

The show sees one of the dancers fall ill, meaning Abbey has to step in to take her place.

The WAG struggled to adapt to the basic lifestyle, which sees her unable to wash for the whole trip.

But after periods of tearfulness she bonds with the family, and goes home determined to appreciate her good fortune in life.

Other celebrities to take part in the show include George and Larry Lamb and Will Mellor.

See Abbey in The Parent Trip on ITV2 on April 8 at 9pm.

New friend: Abbey and a local Indian man

Authentic: The group spent their nights in traditional desert camps

source: dailymail