Sunday, May 9, 2010

Is Mick Jagger's little girl rolling out of control? Georgia May's talent to shock

By Nicole Lampert

Model daughter? Georgia May Jagger has been grounded by her father Mick in order to concentrate on her sociology, photography and art A-levels

Hellraising friends. Wild parties. As Georgia May Jagger's grounded by her father, where COULD she have got her rebellious streak from?

After several hours of mixing pints with tequila shots, Georgia May Jagger is the centre of attention at the Roebuck pub in Richmond.

The occasion is her 18th birthday - and with her hips swaying, arms up in the air and top unbuttoned down to almost her naval, she really is a chip off the old block.

And, as usual, those unmistakable lips are highlighted in scarlet lipstick - so fond is she of wearing the colour that her friends call her 'Scarlet'.

If fellow drinkers were in any doubt of this particular posh-voiced skinny teen's parentage, they were soon informed exactly who she was.

'Yah, Jagger just had to have four wisdom teeth out,' the 18-year-old could loudly be heard telling a companion, bizarrely referring to herself in the third person.

'I was hoping it would make my face look thinner, but it doesn't seem to have made any difference.'

Not that she has to worry about her looks. Thanks to her mother being Jerry Hall and her father being Mick Jagger, Georgia May was being eyed up by designers and magazine editors before she was even a teenager.

Her genuine long-limbed beauty and the romanticism of her family background mean she is modelling dynamite - and Georgia May certainly enjoys the fame and social life her glamorous career affords her.

But nights out such as this came abruptly to an end last week when it was revealed that Georgia May had been grounded by her father - in order to concentrate on her A-levels in sociology, photography and art, which she is due to start this month.

Her grounding came hot on the heels of her being caught in paparazzi photographs on her birthday in January receiving a strange

Of all Mick's children, Georgia May is probably closest to her father and friends says she is a real daddy's girl

While her friends insist she is too clever to be doing drugs, her father is worried enough to take a stand.

It's certainly ironic, given that Mick was such a hellraiser in his youth. And many close friends and family have noted the striking similarity between father and daughter.

Not only do the pair share their famous looks, they both enjoy a party and Sir Mick has been known to go clubbing with his children.

So why has he suddenly clamped down on Georgia May? Is it because he is concerned about her friends? Her current crowd include fellow model Alice Dellal (who was pictured surrounded by what looked like cocaine last year) and former club DJ Shawn Francis, who killed himself earlier this year after taking an overdose of ecstasy tablets.

Her long-term boyfriend is Django James Stewart, the aspiring rocker son of the former Eurythmics star Dave Stewart.

Georgia May favours the VIP lounge of many an exclusive club (her favourites are Chinawhite and the Kensington Roof Gardens), drinking champagne and vodka cocktails.

At home, Georgia has a walk-in wardrobe and admits she has more clothes than she could 'ever possibly wear'. She also jokes she has more handbags than Victoria Beckham.

But, despite a childish habit of referring to herself as Jagger while drunk, she's not a brat, insist friends.

Success: Georgia May in an advert for Hudson Jeans last year

'She's confident and sassy,' says one. 'She's very sexy, like a slinky cat. She's her father all over in that way, although she doesn't sleep around.

'Georgia loves to paint and is studious. She is embarrassed about how much money she has made modelling.'

Yes - the modelling. For what has distracted Georgia May from her studies is her lucrative career.

She was signed up two years ago by top modelling agent Tori Edwards, who also looks after her mother and big sister, Lizzie.

And although she is only part-time, she has already appeared on the front cover of Vogue, become the face of campaigns for Rimmel and Versace and, last December, was voted the British Model Of The Year at the British Fashion Awards.

She's earned close to £600,000 and has a three-year £1million deal with jeans manufacturer Hudson.

The company's David Lipman gushes: 'It's about her genes - both literally and figuratively. It's about the heritage of having Mick Jagger as a dad and Jerry Hall as a mum. But more than anything, it's her spirit that captivates me.'

She has quickly outshone her sister in the modelling stakes. While Lizzie was once the face of Lancome and Marks & Spencer, she is now resigned to periodicals in Russia and an appearance in an H&M advert.

Lizzie, 26, has shown just how short this particular career can be - even for the daughter of Sir Mick and the evergreen supermodel Jerry.

But for all the dysfunctionality of her upbringing, friends also insist Georgia May is a real family girl. She was born just as her mother's world was caving in. The day after her birth, Mick went on holiday to Thailand with his mistress, Carla Bruni.

Although he eventually returned to the family home and the pair had their fourth child (12-year- old Gabriel), Mick's womanising was legendary and humiliating for Jerry. It cannot have been a happy home, however much Jerry tried to hide it.

Georgia May has quickly outshone her sister Lizzie in the modelling stakes

Georgia has a niece who is not only the same age as her but also at the same school: Assisi Jackson is the oldest daughter of Jade Jagger - from Mick's first marriage to Bianca.

Georgia was close to her grandfather Joe, Mick's father, who died nearly four years ago and she still talks about how much she misses him, say friends.

From her mother she has inherited confidence in both who she is and what she looks like.

'Mum just told us to always be ourselves,' said Georgia in a rare interview. 'I wouldn't even have braces on my teeth. I think they're horrible - the idea that everyone should conform and be perfect is ridiculous.'

Jerry has worked hard to instill her girls with all the attitude that she lacked thanks to her upbringing - her former soldier father abused Jerry and her four sisters mentally and physically.

Once asked if she could ever see her girls marrying a man like their father, she insisted: 'No, never. I don't think they would. They have far more confidence than I did.'

In many ways the Jagger children - Mick has seven - have had to grow up fast with tales of their father's debauchery hard to hide from.

But Mick is a strict father, firm in the middle-class ideals he grew up with - even if he was not able ever to be conventional himself.

'We have a snap of my dad wearing blue eye shadow, which I would always make fun of,' recalled Georgia May.

'When I was 12 and started wearing lipstick, my dad would ask: "Are you wearing makeup?" I would say back: "You're wearing more make-up there than I am!"'

Mick dropped out of his university studies at the London School Of Economics to concentrate on the Rolling Stones, but would rather his kids finish their education.

So far, only Karis (Mick's oldest daughter from his relationship with actress Marsha Hunt), who went to Yale, has done so.

Georgia May's big brother James turned down a place at Loughborough University to become an actor. But he then quickly dropped out of drama school to become a musician like his father. His heavy metal band Turbogeist is yet to sign a record deal.

Jerry, say sources, cares less about formal education, believing that all her children are going to go down a more artistic route, so do not need degrees. It has led to some conflict between the pair.

But out of all the Rolling Stones star's children, Georgia May is probably closest to Mick, and friends say she is a real daddy's girl.

On his orders, she is buckling down to get good grades for her A-levels, has put off all her work and partying commitments for a few weeks, at least, and has applied to art school.

Although Georgia, who like all her full siblings is dyslexic, has not yet decided what she wants to do in the future, she has ambitions of becoming a photographer, stylist, fashion designer and entrepreneur.

She has already had photographic art work exhibited and sold at the Kristy Stubbs studio, a fashionable gallery in her mother's home town of Dallas, alongside pieces by Damien Hirst and Pablo Picasso.

Interestingly, she has chosen drugs as a topic, photographing poppies surrounded by heroin syringes.

She says she has inherited her father's strong work ethic.

'She's told me plenty of times that one day she wants to be recognised by the Queen for services, just like her dad,' says one friend.

'And she meant it. Although she is not exactly turning the modelling work down, she would hate to be thought of as an IT girl.

'She wants to work hard and be successful in her own field, like her parents. Mick seems to have told all the children that although they have their trust funds, he is not going to support them. She is fine with that.

'She describes herself as a typical Capricorn: hard working with a strong will.'

A chip off the old block indeed.

Additional reporting: RICHARD SIMPSON

source: dailymail