Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Demi Moore meets young earthquake victims as she leads Hollywood stars on mercy mission to Haiti

By David Wilkes

Survivor: Demi Moore shakes hands with Shakyna

Demi Moore smiles as she clutches the hand of a young victim of the Haiti disaster.
The toddler, known only as Shakyna, presumably had no idea who her immaculately groomed visitor was.

She looked equally bemused by Moore's cameraphone, which she had a brief play with.

But within hours, Moore's meeting with her, and another child, David, was made public to millions across the world.

The actress posted the snap she took of herself and David on her Twitter internet site along with a message reading: 'Yes, he was burned and lost 3 fingers but his joyous spirit was untouched!'

Say cheese! The actress is seen taking her picture with David during the visit to the pediatric malnutrition ward

His joyous spirit is still alive! Demi Moore posted a photo of herself with earthquake survivor David - who she met at the St DamienĂ­s children's hospital

Messages of support soon poured in from 'followers' of her site. One exclaimed: 'You're an inspiration'.

Another commented on Demi's appearance: 'You are looking great!! both of you. He is very sweet.'

A third said: 'Now this is what I do like about you Demi, your compassion for children

Caring: Demi Moore carries Shakyna, who is suffering from malnutrition and plays with Davido, who lost three fingers on his left hand in the Haiti earthquake

Touching moments: Shakyna plays with Demi Moore's phone while the actress looks on with Susan Sarandon

Moore, 47, reached for her mobile to record her encounter with the youngster while visiting the paediatric malnutrition ward of St Damien's children's hospital in the earthquake-ravaged island's capital, Port-au-Prince.

She is among a party of A-listers, including Susan Sarandon, Gerard Butler and Ben Stiller, who have left their luxury homes to visit the island on behalf of Artists for Peace and Justice.

Moore's encounter with David came 24 hours before Michelle Obama made an unannounced visit to Haiti.

Fun times: Susan Sarandon and David make faces to the camera during her visit to the pedeatric malnutrition ward of St. DamienĂ­s children's hospital

In the thick of it: Actor Sean Penn. left, gives instructions over the radio as Ben Stiller and Demi Moore look on during a visit to a camp for displaced Haitians

It is her first official trip overseas without U.S. President Barack Obama since he took office last year.

The APJ organisation was set up last year to encourage peace and social justice and has raised nearly £4million.

Its immediate goal is to build schools in Haiti and provide medical treatment for children.

In sight of cameramen on hand to catch the scenes, Moore also playfully hoisted the slightly surprised looking David upside down.

The actress also spent time with Shakyna. Looking sombre, she tenderly cradled the frail child in her arms while a concerned looking Sarandon, 63, gently patted the infant's back.

Charity visit: Shakira meets earthquake survivors during her visit to the Petionville Golf Club, which is now a camp site for earthquake survivors

The two actresses also leaned down to smile at a baby sitting on a bed, appearing to coo at him while Moore stroked his arm with two fingers.

Also on the trip were Olivia Wilde, perhaps best known for U.S. medical drama House, and film director and producer Paul Haggis, who is a founder of APJ.

During the trip, the stars attended a meeting to discuss the relief efforts and how to maximise celebrity involvement.

They also joined actor and director Sean Penn on a visit to a refugee camp managed by Penn's Jenkins-Penn Humanitarian Relief Organization in Port-au-Prince.
About 230,000 people are believed to have died in the quake.

More than a million people lost their homes in the Caribbean country and many are now living in makeshift camps.
Thousands are being moved to higher ground as the forthcoming rainy season increases the risk of landslides.

Sombre: The actors visit a camp for internally displaced persons managed by actor Sean Penn and his Jenkins-Penn Humanitarian Relief Organization

On Monday, Moore posted another photo on her Twitter site of herself with Ben Stiller and Elizabeth Preval, the wife of Haiti's president Rene Preval.

Moore's accompanying message read: 'Discussing end of restevac system & improving education 4 the children of Haiti w/First Lady Preval & @redhourben' (Stiller's Twitter name).

A restevac is a child in Haiti who is sent by his or her parents to work for a host household as a domestic servant because they lack the resources to support their child themselves.

Followers of her site again responded enthusiastically.

One wrote: 'Congratulations, i think you guys are awesome for doing this.' Another said: 'You go girl!!!'

South American pop star Shakira also flew into Haiti by private jet on Sunday as her charity prepared to build a school in the disasterstricken country.

She has also been involved in fundraising activity for victims of the January 12 quake

source: dailymail