Sunday, April 11, 2010

Kate Middleton, sporting queen: How Prince William's girl was the superstar of her school

By Rebecca English and Ryan Kisiel

Rounders: Kate Middleton, circled, was the highest scorer on the under-12/13 team at St Andrew's

She is known to us as Prince William's devoted girlfriend - and is rarely seen away from his side.

But in her schooldays, Kate Middleton was something of a superstar in her own right.
For as these photos obtained by the Daily Mail show, the young Kate was a real golden girl - excelling at sport, drama and music.

The pictures were taken while she was a pupil at St Andrew's School in Pangbourne, Berkshire.

Kate joined the £13,000-a-year co-educational preparatory school at the age of eight and thrived until she left five years later.

She became proficient in sports including tennis, hockey, swimming, netball and rounders.

Swimming: Kate excelled in the pool (above) and in netball, she was superb in goal defence

She also took part in plays, learned ballet and tap, and was a skilled flautist and singer.

Just a quick flick through one of the school's year books, published in June 1995, her final year, demonstrates how Kate's star shone.

As well as victories with the under-12/13 hockey team, she played goal defence for the under-13 netball team during one of its most successful seasons.

Hockey: Kate celebrates yet another victory in a triumphant cheer

Then there was the under-12/13 rounders team, for which Kate was named the highest scorer.

She was also a keen swimmer and athlete, and on prize-giving day was given a cup for outstanding sporting achievement overall.

One contemporary remembers Kate extremely fondly, saying: 'She was a really lovely, warm girl who didn't have a bad bone in her body. I couldn't speak of her more highly.'

The former pupil added: 'It's still hard to imagine her becoming queen one day, but I can tell you one thing - if she does, the royals will be lucky to have her.'

source :dailymail