Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dress Down Dave Vs Grungy Gordon: Election descends into fashion battle

Mimmicking you... that's a walk in the park: Gordon Brown, enjoying a stroll with wife Sarah yesterday, wears an almost identical biker-style jacket that David Cameron wore last week while with his wife Samantha (left)

Gordon Brown displayed a new, casual look yesterday in an apparent attempt to match David Cameron in the fashion stakes.

Exactly one week after the Conservative leader met Tory activists dressed in a biker-style jacket, the Prime Minister, above right, appeared to have submitted to a similar makeover.

Mr Brown left his traditional plain suit and tie at No10 to take a stroll around a London park dressed in a windcheater and blue chino-style trousers. Downing Street said his £100 jacket was made by Mountain Life, a Swindon-based firm.

While Mr Cameron promenaded with his wife Samantha in front of the cameras in Milton Keynes, above left, Mr Brown walked around St James' Park -- with his security detail carefully out of shot -- in the company of his wife Sarah.

Mr Brown and Mr Cameron admit that their clothes are chosen by their wives.

The Tory leader's outfit of black jacket, brown cotton shirt and dark blue cotton trousers was criticised by fashion experts, with The Mail on Sunday's Liz Jones saying that he had revealed his 'inner fashion-illiterate dork'.

The stroll in the park is likely to be one of the few periods of relaxation the PM is likely to have over the coming weeks.

Who's he? Visitors to St James' Park, London, are surprised to see the PM... but many didn't recognise him

Last moment of relaxation: The PM enjoys the peace before a gruelling election campaign is announced

Prime time: Mr Brown walks through Horse Guards Parade - just beyond Downing St - on his way to the park

Mr Brown, who had no public engagements scheduled for the weekend, is expected to go to Buckingham Palace on Tuesday to seek consent from the Queen for the dissolution of Parliament for a general election on May 6.

The move will trigger a frenetic five weeks of campaigning during which the Browns will be lucky to snatch more than a few moments to themselves, let alone enough time to enjoy the spring sunshine and golden daffodils in the park.

Striding out in a dark windcheater and open-necked shirt, the PM was able to take in the park's colourful floral displays largely undisturbed by passers-by, most of whom appeared to be foreign tourists.

A few onlookers pointed in surprise and the Browns posed for photographs with others.

source: dailymail